Helping to meet ASC’s Variable Speed Drives

6th November 2019

Introduced by Ofgem in April 2018 to ensure that companies billed by half-hourly metering techniques were charged fairly in respect to an Agreed Supply Capacity (ASC).

The ASC is charged at the rate agreed in the supply contract

If the agreed KVA capacity stated on a site’s connection agreement with the network operator is exceeded then a penalty charge estimated on average to be more than 80% will be issued although this can vary from area to area and with supply voltage.

Increasing the ASC can be very expensive as it may involve increasing the size of supply cables and other equipment so it is always a good idea to first investigate ways to reduce energy consumption to avoid ASC excess charges.

Using variable speed drives (VSD’s) can dramatically reduce energy consumption in centrifugal pumps and fans and other AC motor driven plant commonly used on such sites.  When VSD’s are correctly specified and applied it is possible to renegotiate a lower ASC in the supply contract.


Save energy VSD


Drives slash energy consumption by 845’900kWh


Contact Dalroad to get a quotation for a project you are involved in, or for general information about our complete portfolio of products and services.


PBSI logo Read the LS variable speed drives case study on saving energy in the October PBSI issue